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Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itRaspberry Pi: AdGuard and Unbound DNS — High(er) AvailabilitySetup Two Raspberry Pi as DNS Servers for High(er) AvailabilityNov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
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Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itHomeLab: Unbound: Debug CNAME resolving issue + Private IP in Public Domain NameUnbound wasn’t able resolve my public domain name with private IP.Oct 28, 2023Oct 28, 2023
Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itHomeLab: Design to Handle AdGuard’s Failure and Use SSL Certificate in Local ServicesThe intermediate state of my homelab with AdGuard + Nginx Proxy Manager + Public Domain Name + auto-renew SSL CertificateOct 26, 20231Oct 26, 20231
Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itHomeLab:AdGuard: Enable DNSSEC + What is it?How to enable DNSSEC feature in AdGuard HomeOct 25, 2023Oct 25, 2023
Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itHomeLab: AdGuard: The One Reason to Use Unbound DNS ( IMHO )Researched about Unbound DNS, what it does, and when I want to use it.Oct 23, 2023Oct 23, 2023
Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itHomeLab: AdGuard: How to Secure DNS requests to Upstream DNS serversThe DNS requests to Upstream DNS can be secured to protect our privacy.Oct 22, 20231Oct 22, 20231
Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itHomeLab: AdGuard: Encryption setting — Is it even Necessary?To secure the DNS resolution, DoT ( DNS over TLS ) or DoH ( DNS over HTTPS ) can be used. In AdGuard, is Encryption setting necessary to…Oct 21, 2023Oct 21, 2023
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Life-is-short--so--enjoy-itRaspberry Pi: DNS based Load Balancing and High AvailabilityLoading balancing and increasing service availability with two Raspberry Pi and Cloudflare DNS recordsJan 8, 2024Jan 8, 2024
Jonas MarkströmThe complete guide to SSH with FIDO2 security keysIf you’re using SSH for remote access, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a must-have security measure. In the event that you have not…Oct 14, 20233Oct 14, 20233